Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I still remember my last drink, I wasnt drunk...

Yeah, I drink.. I like to have a drink. I know the difference between ‘having a drink’ and ‘getting drunk’. I have some rules on drinking and I seldom break it. If I have to drive back home after drinking outside and especially when I have to drop someone on my way back, then I never drink more than 2 pegs. If the session is gonna be long, then I take my 2 pegs as 4 smalls, or 2 smalls and a beer.
I indeed am a responsible drinker, ain’t I?
Now, when I don’t have to drive back home, that’s when I truly unwind. I remember and cherish such parties (or rather I dont remember). So, that’s what I am and that’s how I have been.
Two days back, I had a nice overnight session at my place with a couple of dear friends and we finished a nice one liter bottle of J&B whisky. It was on this day that my mom had mentioned that she was a bit concerned with my drinking habit lately. And a special someone was concerned and another dear friend subtly mentioned that I have been drinking on all weekends lately.
I got a call this evening for a very small get together to which I normally would have gone without thinking twice. But suddenly today, something was wrong. It didn’t feel right. For the first time I started to feel weird, probably thinking what they would think when I say am drinking today. Am I growing up? Am I getting ready for greater responsibilities? I didn’t go.. I stayed back at home..
But little does anyone know that I will use this instance of not going today to my advantage coming Saturday. Heh heh heh.. (evil laughter)


When we meet some new person (of the opposite sex, of course) why do we text-sms or chat online (or both, heh heh) a lot, while breaking the ice? Why dont we just call and talk and meet? Well, has this just happened to me, or is it a common phenomenon? Has is not happened that while in the middle of the thrilling conversation, we type something in response and then decide not to send it and hit backspace and rephrase? And have we not seen - "x is typing a message" and you eagerly wait what the reply is gonna be?
That’s the beauty of sms and chatting! It allows you to be on your best behavior and not act on impulse which would otherwise almost immediately expose your true self much too soon. It avoids any 'uncomfortable silence' that will definitely happen if we start speaking right away. It gives you time to prepare your replies and send it at leisure which would not be possible while talking on the phone or in person.
(It was during such conversations I realized that I was perceived as a ‘flirt’ and was asked what my sun sign was, on many occasions. When ‘Gemini’ was the reply, my behavior was somehow perceived as totally fitting and acceptable.)
The main advantage of an sms is that you can send the same sms to any number of people 'directly', unlike an e-mail where you would have to mark it as a 'bcc'. It also allows you to 'forward' the absolute same sms you received from someone, unlike an email which needs some editing and deletion of the sender's details and signature.
If anyone of you thinks that it is with you in my mind I have written this piece, please take this in a good sense and realize there are a few others thinking the exact same thing too... Smart work, ain’t it?